Thanks for downloading my fave LR brushes! Here you can follow along for how to install Lightroom Adjustment Brushes so they appear in your options. These instructions are for the current version of Lightroom Classic (last updated June 2021)
Installing Lightroom Brushes
- Open Lightroom and open the Preferences
Mac – use keyboard shortcut “Command ,” or in your menus go to Lightroom > Preferences
PC – use keyboard shortcut “Ctrl ,” or in your menus go to Edit > Preferences
- Click on the Presets tab (second from left)
- Click on “Show All Other Lightroom Presets”
Open the “Lightroom” folder
Open the “Local Adjustment Presets” folder
- Copy the Lightroom Brushes into the Local Adjustment Presets folder
Locate your downloaded brushes (.lrtemplate files) and copy them into this folder
- You may need to quit and re-open Lightroom to see your presets.
They will show up in your Develop Module under “Effect” when you have any of the following tools selected:
Adjustment Brush
Radial Filter
Graduated Filter
Did you come across this page but haven’t got your presets yet? Find them ··HERE·· (coming soon)